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Mar 24, 20195 min read
Speak Up and Slow Down: Satya Week 2 & 3
When we're not expressing our true uniqueness, we may turn to destructive ways of dealing with what's pent up.

Mar 9, 20194 min read
Tell Me No Lies (Satya)
The most important aspect of the second Yama, Satya, is that it works in partnership with the first, Ahimsa: be truthful, but do no harm.

Mar 8, 20194 min read
Restraining My Violent Tendencies: Ahimsa Week 4 & Conclusions
The whole concept of Ahimsa requires one to be kind and non-violent to oneself first, so I've tried (and mostly failed) to keep that in mind

Feb 28, 20193 min read
Value Neutral: Ahimsa Week 3
Worrying over someone is a type of violence, as it means we don't trust them to make their own way or make the right (in our eyes) decisions

Feb 21, 20195 min read
Living Ahimsa (Non-Violence) Weeks 1 & 2
Ahimsa the first item of all 8 limbs of yoga and serves as the foundation for everything that follows--first and foremost, do no harm.

Jan 24, 20193 min read
It all started with an idea...and the need for project
January's theme at my home yoga studio, Yogamaya, was "The Niyamas", which allowed me to go back to my favorite book on the subject, The...
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